When it comes to diagnosing and treating respiratory disease, increased efficiency and efficacy can help with everything from lowered mortality rates to more available and affordable treatment options. Fluidda CEO, Dr. Jan De Backer appears on Worldwide Business with kathy ireland® to talk about exciting advancements in the world of respiratory care and treatment — in particular how technology is giving patients a better chance at a brighter, healthier future.

Fluidda focuses on functional respiratory imaging. The company launched using computational fluid dynamics, typically used to design aircraft wings, as a way to track patient progress during pharmaceutical trials. The result is Fluidda‘s Functional Respiratory Imaging (FRI) technology that is driving the diagnosis and monitoring of respiratory diseases via personalized medicine that optimizes care and tracks therapeutic effects. Companies are able to develop life-saving technology quickly, get those drugs on the market faster and pass down the resulting savings to the patients who need help most.

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