For the third year running, Shimmer’s Biometric platform NeuroLynQ that passively captures galvanic skin response (GSR), was selected as the partner of choice for Ipsos’ annual study measuring audience’s real-time response to advertisements during The Big Game! Doritos and Google ranked as the top two for this year’s 2020 study! Hear from Shimmer Research

“Ipsos and Shimmer just completed a study where we looked at the advertising and tried to figure out what advertising was making people respond the most on an emotional level. The way we did this was we put sensors on people that measured their skin sweat. Then we had 40 people, there was food, there were drinks, they could move about freely, they had their friends there; it was really very similar to what an actual party would look like. We did this live so that they could watch the game in real-time. And at the end of that process, we were able to quantify how each ad reached people and how much they responded to each ad. Ipsos has come out and is providing results on that and will be sharing those I’m sure. To learn more about what we’re doing, go to There are case studies there, there’s lots of background material on what we do, and also contact information for the company.”

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