Health and a good night’s sleep go hand in hand, and getting enough rest often hinges on the quality and comfort provided by our beds. For consumers, that means connecting with mattress brands that have a dual focus on working with great materials and achieving unparalleled results. For manufacturers, it’s more important than ever to pay attention to sourcing, production, and customer service. On Worldwide Business with kathy ireland®, Latexco‘s executive team speaks about their brand’s thriving business model, materials, and expansion plans. Founded in 1953 and with nearly 70 year’s of experience producing high-quality latex products for bedding companies around the world, Latexco’s “House of Comfort” is a one-stop shop for high-end mattress components, and offers made-to-order capabilities.

Using innovative technologies and processes, Latexco provides the best in quality and durability. The manufacturing process starts with the latex at its raw form, which is then carried through foamers and blenders to transform it from a chemical state to a foaming state. The product also goes through an additional process to remove any remaining impurities off of the latex. In recent years, Latexco has increased their focus on energy conservation and sustainable practices, including the investment in this wastewater recycling technology, which has in-turn allowed Latexco to reduce it’s total energy consumption by almost 50%! Today, Latexco continues to dream up ways to give consumers the rest they need and bedding companies the products they need via revamped production processes, reliable products and ongoing customer support.

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